I had friends of mine ask me to go to a party this weekend and of course, I said yes. So when Beth called and told me we were going shopping for something to wear for the party I was all in. We ended up at a costume shop. Now I was really confused. But when we got inside and I was about to go over to some sexy costume dresses Beth yanked me by the arm and started to drag me off into another direction. Before I could say anything we were standing in front of the animal costumes. She started grabbing some down and holding them up in front of me. Furry costumes a wolf, dog, kitty. I was shocked now. Then she told me, we were going to a furry party. I was intrigued and grabbed the kitty costume out of her hands and went to the mirror. Yes, I could picture it. Me a sexy furry kitty meeting a big hot lion and yiffing all night long.
Tawny 888-430-2010Come join the mommies and other AB/DL’s in our chat room.
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